She thinks it was muscle tension due to bad posture. Getting a lovely thorough massage to my neck chases away some headaches temporarily, and when I feel about to have a headache I seem to be able to keep them at bay sometimes by, not exactly sitting up straight since that would only make my back hurt, but by keeping my head back against the wall I sit near instead of leaning it forward. So this is either a partial explanation for a complicated phenomenon or a placebo effect for something else.
Wow, same for me, with hurt back, and all. I think we might have the same problem. Let’s figure out if we really do. I don’t have a solution unfortunately, but here is a hint that might be relevant. It took me years to understand that bowing my head deep causes me a headache. To start a bad headache that might last for hours it is enough to look at my own navel for a few seconds. I picked up some slightly unusual habits since I realized this. For example, I pick up dropped objects without looking down, without any conscious effort. If I accidentally bow my head anyway, sometimes it helps if I immediately raise my head high to counteract the first movement. It is metaphor not an explanation, but it feels like blood is rushing to a part of my brain where it is not welcome, and the only way to avoid the headache is to quickly send it back to its proper place.
Another clue: for really bad headaches, it temporarily helps if I push my eyeballs very very hard. Is this the same for you?
When you saw the doctor did ey have any other theories about your various mysterious maladies such as the headaches?
She thinks it was muscle tension due to bad posture. Getting a lovely thorough massage to my neck chases away some headaches temporarily, and when I feel about to have a headache I seem to be able to keep them at bay sometimes by, not exactly sitting up straight since that would only make my back hurt, but by keeping my head back against the wall I sit near instead of leaning it forward. So this is either a partial explanation for a complicated phenomenon or a placebo effect for something else.
Wow, same for me, with hurt back, and all. I think we might have the same problem. Let’s figure out if we really do. I don’t have a solution unfortunately, but here is a hint that might be relevant. It took me years to understand that bowing my head deep causes me a headache. To start a bad headache that might last for hours it is enough to look at my own navel for a few seconds. I picked up some slightly unusual habits since I realized this. For example, I pick up dropped objects without looking down, without any conscious effort. If I accidentally bow my head anyway, sometimes it helps if I immediately raise my head high to counteract the first movement. It is metaphor not an explanation, but it feels like blood is rushing to a part of my brain where it is not welcome, and the only way to avoid the headache is to quickly send it back to its proper place.
Another clue: for really bad headaches, it temporarily helps if I push my eyeballs very very hard. Is this the same for you?
Haven’t tried pushing on my eyeballs. I will next time I get a headache and report back.
Edit: No effect whatever.