We do have an inbox that sorts messages onto a separate page from replies to posts. I think the easiest change would be to simply make two separate icons for these two separate pages.
No, I’m sorry, I was thinking of the Outbox. You can see what you’ve sent, but not what you’ve received. Currently not useful, but at least it suggests that the coding might not be so hard to do.
We do have an inbox that sorts messages onto a separate page from replies to posts. I think the easiest change would be to simply make two separate icons for these two separate pages.
I don’t think this is correct. I’m only familiar with http://lesswrong.com/message/inbox/ , which mixes the two together. You may be thinking of http://lesswrong.com/message/sent/ , which shows all the private messages you’ve sent.
Thanks, I didn’t know that. What’s the URL? (Or how else can I get there?)
No, I’m sorry, I was thinking of the Outbox. You can see what you’ve sent, but not what you’ve received. Currently not useful, but at least it suggests that the coding might not be so hard to do.