So if uploading was followed by guillotining the “meatbody,” would you sign up?
I have no problem with the brain just being one kind of hardware you can run a consciousness on. I have no problem with transporting the mind from one hardware to another, instantaneously, if you can do it in between the neural impulses.
But it seems like people mean you get scanned, a second, fully “real,” person comes into existence, and this is supposed to extend your life.
Are we to believe that the new consciousness would be fine with being killed, just because you would still be around afterwards? Would their life be extended in you even if they were deleted after being created? Are they going to stick around feeling and experiencing life because you exist?
My confusion is that these seem like obvious points. Why are people even taking this seriously, why is it on the list?
I can fully understand why the rest of us might like to upload the great people of the world, or maybe everybody if we value having them around. But I don’t think this should make them feel indifferent to their deaths, because it’s not extending anyone’s life.
I put this in the open thread because I assumed I was just ignorant of some key part of the process. If this is really it, maybe these points should be their own post and we can kick uploading off the life extension possibility list.
I would not signup for a destructive upload unless I was about to die. But if I was convinced that I was about to die, then I absolutely would.
I don’t think that you are missing anything, really. If I uploaded the average transhumanist, and then asked the meatbody (with mind intact) what I should do with the meatbody, they’d say either to go away and leave them alone or to upload them a few more times, please. If I asked them if they were happy to have a copy uploaded, they would say yes. If I asked them if they were disappointed that they were the meatbody version of themselves, they’d say yes. If I asked if the meatbody would now like an immortality treatment, they would say yes. If I asked the uploaded copy if they wanted the meatbody to get the immortality treatment, they would say yes.… I think.
I think that uploading is on the list primarily because there is a lot of skepticism that the original human brain can last much more than ~150 years. Whether or not this skepticism is justified is still an open question.
Uploading may also get a spot on the list because if you can accept a destructive upload, then your surviving self does get (at least theoretically) a much much better life than is likely to be possible on meatEarth.
So if uploading was followed by guillotining the “meatbody,” would you sign up?
I have no problem with the brain just being one kind of hardware you can run a consciousness on. I have no problem with transporting the mind from one hardware to another, instantaneously, if you can do it in between the neural impulses.
But it seems like people mean you get scanned, a second, fully “real,” person comes into existence, and this is supposed to extend your life.
Are we to believe that the new consciousness would be fine with being killed, just because you would still be around afterwards? Would their life be extended in you even if they were deleted after being created? Are they going to stick around feeling and experiencing life because you exist?
My confusion is that these seem like obvious points. Why are people even taking this seriously, why is it on the list?
I can fully understand why the rest of us might like to upload the great people of the world, or maybe everybody if we value having them around. But I don’t think this should make them feel indifferent to their deaths, because it’s not extending anyone’s life.
I put this in the open thread because I assumed I was just ignorant of some key part of the process. If this is really it, maybe these points should be their own post and we can kick uploading off the life extension possibility list.
I would not signup for a destructive upload unless I was about to die. But if I was convinced that I was about to die, then I absolutely would.
I don’t think that you are missing anything, really. If I uploaded the average transhumanist, and then asked the meatbody (with mind intact) what I should do with the meatbody, they’d say either to go away and leave them alone or to upload them a few more times, please. If I asked them if they were happy to have a copy uploaded, they would say yes. If I asked them if they were disappointed that they were the meatbody version of themselves, they’d say yes. If I asked if the meatbody would now like an immortality treatment, they would say yes. If I asked the uploaded copy if they wanted the meatbody to get the immortality treatment, they would say yes.… I think.
I think that uploading is on the list primarily because there is a lot of skepticism that the original human brain can last much more than ~150 years. Whether or not this skepticism is justified is still an open question.
Uploading may also get a spot on the list because if you can accept a destructive upload, then your surviving self does get (at least theoretically) a much much better life than is likely to be possible on meatEarth.