My prior for fomite transmission in respiratory viruses is very low: 1988 article on Rhinovirus, hamsters SARS-CoV-2 study, human case series I don’t have time to make a serious review though.
I thought fomites was though to have been a significant vector with SARS-1. (i.e.
The authors say “non negligible” though. And it’s a simulation study. Besides in the limitations section they acknowledge the absence of literature on many biological parameters.
My prior for fomite transmission in respiratory viruses is very low: 1988 article on Rhinovirus, hamsters SARS-CoV-2 study, human case series I don’t have time to make a serious review though.
I thought fomites was though to have been a significant vector with SARS-1. (i.e.
The authors say “non negligible” though. And it’s a simulation study. Besides in the limitations section they acknowledge the absence of literature on many biological parameters.