Sequences also contain criticism, towards smart people who are smart in the wrong way (“clever arguers”), and even towards smart people in general (“why our kind can’t cooperate”).
Making smartness sound like the most important thing gives you Mensa or RationalWiki; you also need harsh lessons on how to do it right to create Less Wrong. Maybe so harsh that most people who identify with being X will actually turn against you, because you assigned low status to their way of doing X.
And by the way, effective altruism is already using this strategy in the field of… well, altruism.
Sequences also contain criticism, towards smart people who are smart in the wrong way (“clever arguers”), and even towards smart people in general (“why our kind can’t cooperate”).
Making smartness sound like the most important thing gives you Mensa or RationalWiki; you also need harsh lessons on how to do it right to create Less Wrong. Maybe so harsh that most people who identify with being X will actually turn against you, because you assigned low status to their way of doing X.
And by the way, effective altruism is already using this strategy in the field of… well, altruism.