A mixture of things that I think aren’t being done enough (if they are let me know).
A meeting point for people interested in the subject in London.
Discussion around some of the social issues (prevention of arms races)
Discussion on the nature of intelligence, and how we should approach safety in light of it
Discussion of interesting papers (including psychology/neuroscience) to feed into the above
Maybe forming a society to do these long term.
If people are interested in helping solve the normal computer control problem as a stepping stone to solving the super intelligence problem, that would be cool. But I’d rather keep the meetup generalist and have things spin off from it.
I think I’m unlikely to attend regularly, but what do you plan to do with the meetup? Lay discussion, technical discussion, attempts to make progress?
I’ll link to this from the London rationalish group.
A mixture of things that I think aren’t being done enough (if they are let me know).
A meeting point for people interested in the subject in London.
Discussion around some of the social issues (prevention of arms races)
Discussion on the nature of intelligence, and how we should approach safety in light of it
Discussion of interesting papers (including psychology/neuroscience) to feed into the above
Maybe forming a society to do these long term.
If people are interested in helping solve the normal computer control problem as a stepping stone to solving the super intelligence problem, that would be cool. But I’d rather keep the meetup generalist and have things spin off from it.
If you want to have a reading group, there’s an existing one with a nice list of stuff they’ve covered that can be used for inspiration.