The discussions in question have generally been about the actions of third-parties in other parts of the world, which haven’t had any appreciable effect on my life (unless you count ‘taking thought-time away from other issues’ as an effect).
In cases where the discussion is about something that’s been done to me, I still don’t use the word ‘evil’, and I’ve actually been known to object to other people doing so in those cases. ‘Selfish’, ‘misguided’, ‘poorly informed’, ‘emotion driven’, and the like cover those situations much more usefully.
Then, ‘harm to someone’. Not necessarily to you. My point was that disagreement about the good/evil label doesn’t mean there’s disagreement about doing good or harm to someone.
The discussions in question have generally been about the actions of third-parties in other parts of the world, which haven’t had any appreciable effect on my life (unless you count ‘taking thought-time away from other issues’ as an effect).
In cases where the discussion is about something that’s been done to me, I still don’t use the word ‘evil’, and I’ve actually been known to object to other people doing so in those cases. ‘Selfish’, ‘misguided’, ‘poorly informed’, ‘emotion driven’, and the like cover those situations much more usefully.
Then, ‘harm to someone’. Not necessarily to you. My point was that disagreement about the good/evil label doesn’t mean there’s disagreement about doing good or harm to someone.