Sure, but there’s still a meaningful question whether you’d prefer many moderately happy puppies or few very happy puppies to exist. Maybe tomorrow you’ll think of a compelling intuition one way or the other.
Sure. But it will be my intuition, and not some impersonal law. This means it’s okay for me to want things like “there should be some puppies, but not too many,” which makes perfect sense as a preference about the universe, but practically no sense in terms of population ethics.
Sure, but there’s still a meaningful question whether you’d prefer many moderately happy puppies or few very happy puppies to exist. Maybe tomorrow you’ll think of a compelling intuition one way or the other.
Sure. But it will be my intuition, and not some impersonal law. This means it’s okay for me to want things like “there should be some puppies, but not too many,” which makes perfect sense as a preference about the universe, but practically no sense in terms of population ethics.