I found the thing about how white and black culture relate to dancing really interesting. I think both manners of dance-enculturation (also, relatedly, singing-enculturation) were familiar to me, but seeing it spelled out clearly was helpful both for seeing both waters-I’ve-sometimes-swam-in, and also communicating it to others.
There are at least three ways to learn dancing: spontaneous, imitating others, and explicit teaching.
I am not sure whether the claim is that each black person reinvents the dance from scratch, or whether they need to observe fewer examples of dance before they can generate their own, or something else.
I would also assume that the dancing-learning styles are related to autistic spectrum (as it is a social activity usually learned by imitating others), so if there are white LW readers who learned dancing by reading user manuals, well, maybe it’s because they are white, but also maybe it’s because they are nerds.
I found the thing about how white and black culture relate to dancing really interesting. I think both manners of dance-enculturation (also, relatedly, singing-enculturation) were familiar to me, but seeing it spelled out clearly was helpful both for seeing both waters-I’ve-sometimes-swam-in, and also communicating it to others.
There are at least three ways to learn dancing: spontaneous, imitating others, and explicit teaching.
I am not sure whether the claim is that each black person reinvents the dance from scratch, or whether they need to observe fewer examples of dance before they can generate their own, or something else.
I would also assume that the dancing-learning styles are related to autistic spectrum (as it is a social activity usually learned by imitating others), so if there are white LW readers who learned dancing by reading user manuals, well, maybe it’s because they are white, but also maybe it’s because they are nerds.