Ian C.: [i]”Yes, a designed life form can have paper clip values, but I don’t think we’ll encounter any naturally occurring beings like this. So our provincial little values may not be so provincial after all, but common on many planets.”[i]
Almost all life forms (especially simpler ones) are sort of paperclip maximizers, they just make copies of themselves ad infinitum. If life could leave this planet and use materials more efficiently, it would consume everything. Good for us evolution couldn’t optimize them to such an extent.
Ian C.: [i]”Yes, a designed life form can have paper clip values, but I don’t think we’ll encounter any naturally occurring beings like this. So our provincial little values may not be so provincial after all, but common on many planets.”[i] Almost all life forms (especially simpler ones) are sort of paperclip maximizers, they just make copies of themselves ad infinitum. If life could leave this planet and use materials more efficiently, it would consume everything. Good for us evolution couldn’t optimize them to such an extent.