Logical Decision Theories: Our final failsafe?

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Nate Soares has stated that logical decision theories don’t actually work to get us nice things. I disagree with this view, and explain why, even if the AI is unaligned, we still can get good things. (Note: this assumes either a solution to ELK or a scenario where we don’t need to solve it for arbitrary networks, and narrow elicitation is enough.)

Cruxes for my view here:

  1. I’m less into hard takeoffs than he is, so I’m not super-worried about intelligences recursively-self improving up to the level where humans can’t understand it all (My probability of FOOM is more like 2-3% for the first AGI.) Similarly, I don’t think escaping the AI box is nearly as easy as MIRI thinks.

  2. I think ELK or narrow elicitation will probably get us the logical correlations necessary to prevent the outcomes of “fooling the human into a deal” from working.

  3. I view singleton rule as at best unstable, and not likely to occur.

  4. I think the alignment problem is underdetermined, that is our present state has multiple futures from which we can choose.

  5. Acausal trade in infinite multiverses does weird enough things such that raising the probability of success is reasonable.

Now onto that point of acausal trade:

Fixed points and acausal trade in infinite multiverses

In an infinite multiverse like ours is likely to be (the universe is probably isotropic, homogeneous and flat, which implies infinity), probability is messed with.

This means that things change. One of the ways that things change is the bargaining power of humans vs UFAI, and there is an infinite amount of both (assuming alignment doesn’t have probability zero.)

Let’s say that humans acausally trade across the Tegmark Level IV multiverse. Nate’s simply wrong here about there being not enough resources to trade, since they’re infinite between humans and their allies and UFAI and it’s allies.

Even in a good old level Level I multiverse, infinite numbers of humans and UFAIs exist.

What if they cooperate acausally between themselves? Well there’s an infinite amount of humans vs an infinite amount of UFAIs, and this is an infinity vs infinity scenario, which leads to a perfect tie of 12 of the universe a priori.

Similar reasoning applies to Everett branches, and it’s why exponentially decaying measure and probability still ends up as infinite measure, or probability of 1 respectively.

Where did Nate and Eliezer go wrong?

Answer: They recognized acausal trade as a thing, but forgot to deal with the fact that infinity applies here, so they got vastly wrong results here.