Yup. When reading through the comments about the new website, I could feel my effort being punished.
Perhaps you could have somebody read them for you and summarize them in a non-critical way, thus creating a reinforcement shield.
Alternately, you could adapt what internet marketing “personalities” do, and promote doing: practice celebrating criticism. One marketer (I forget which one) described making a practice of throwing his hands in the air and shouting “Woo!” when he received a criticism via email.
(Background: “personality” marketers promote by writing emotionally charged material that’s intended to divide their audience into people who either love or hate them. Thus, the presence of hate mail is evidence that their strategy is working. They will then often publicize the hate mail, in order to stir up the emotions of the people on the opposite side of the debate. Talk radio hosts, bloggers, political commentators, etc. also use these strategies, even if they’re not always considered “marketers” in a traditional sense. Whether you consider this “dark arts” is largely a political question, since the LW sequences use these tactics also. Whether he knows it or not, Eliezer is a personality marketer in this sense, it’s just that he’s not as efficiently monetizing the results. ;-) )
Perhaps you could have somebody read them for you and summarize them in a non-critical way, thus creating a reinforcement shield.
Alternately, you could adapt what internet marketing “personalities” do, and promote doing: practice celebrating criticism. One marketer (I forget which one) described making a practice of throwing his hands in the air and shouting “Woo!” when he received a criticism via email.
(Background: “personality” marketers promote by writing emotionally charged material that’s intended to divide their audience into people who either love or hate them. Thus, the presence of hate mail is evidence that their strategy is working. They will then often publicize the hate mail, in order to stir up the emotions of the people on the opposite side of the debate. Talk radio hosts, bloggers, political commentators, etc. also use these strategies, even if they’re not always considered “marketers” in a traditional sense. Whether you consider this “dark arts” is largely a political question, since the LW sequences use these tactics also. Whether he knows it or not, Eliezer is a personality marketer in this sense, it’s just that he’s not as efficiently monetizing the results. ;-) )