Too infrequent. They need to start by giving him an M&M every time he thinks about writing more HPMoR.
But then when he starts actually writing, Eliezer will become diabetic!
Shush, don’t give away the plan!
But seriously, one can always increase the reward threshold once the first behavior has been firmly established.
If he gets into flow quickly he could be safe. That would mean he is writing more HPMoR but not thinking about writing HPMoR.
Too infrequent. They need to start by giving him an M&M every time he thinks about writing more HPMoR.
But then when he starts actually writing, Eliezer will become diabetic!
Shush, don’t give away the plan!
But seriously, one can always increase the reward threshold once the first behavior has been firmly established.
If he gets into flow quickly he could be safe. That would mean he is writing more HPMoR but not thinking about writing HPMoR.