man abusing woman is not only a very strong “meme”, but also a common occurrence due to biological detail of males in mammals generally a: being larger b: being more aggressive and c: likely being naturally more selfish (due to different reproductive role). edit: all I am saying is that there is a biologically justified prior here, that most people use, a body of utterly indisputable evidence across many species of mammals. Except subpar evidence-evaluators, of course, whom do not process the prior and are also subject to Dunning-Kruger effect about it.
edit: as of how i interpret reactions to such statements, i have already an explanation for e.g. gaming forums where we have very similar white privileged male nerd demographics. We don’t do downvoting there because enabling downvotes lets the white privileged male nerd majority enforce their worldviews and discourage any dissent, which we can not afford because we make games for everyone not just the white privileged male nerd majority. Tho its up to −1 here.
man abusing woman is not only a very strong “meme”, but also a common occurrence due to biological detail of males in mammals generally a: being larger b: being more aggressive and c: likely being naturally more selfish (due to different reproductive role). edit: all I am saying is that there is a biologically justified prior here, that most people use, a body of utterly indisputable evidence across many species of mammals. Except subpar evidence-evaluators, of course, whom do not process the prior and are also subject to Dunning-Kruger effect about it.
Why the hell was that downvoted? I guess it was supposed to be a descriptive statement but people misunderstood it as a normative one.
At least 2 people seem to think you guess wrong.
edit: as of how i interpret reactions to such statements, i have already an explanation for e.g. gaming forums where we have very similar white privileged male nerd demographics. We don’t do downvoting there because enabling downvotes lets the white privileged male nerd majority enforce their worldviews and discourage any dissent, which we can not afford because we make games for everyone not just the white privileged male nerd majority. Tho its up to −1 here.
The edit is worthy of a downvote, the original part an upvote.