Beware of Stephen J. Gould. I think it is relevant that Gould
seems to have been a believing Marxist . . .
I laughed when I read this because I could hear them grinding their axes
in stereo, Gould on the left and Raymond on the right.
My experience reading Gould and his critics has been odd. I don’t
always agree with him, but he never seems to give me the false
impressions his critics are upset with him for promoting. It makes for
some pretty surreal reading.
I actually thought, “Ooh, let’s see if it happens again,” when I clicked
the link to your post. It did. Ditto for the other criticism you
linked. Maybe I’m just out of step with everyone else?
I laughed when I read this because I could hear them grinding their axes in stereo, Gould on the left and Raymond on the right.
My experience reading Gould and his critics has been odd. I don’t always agree with him, but he never seems to give me the false impressions his critics are upset with him for promoting. It makes for some pretty surreal reading.
I actually thought, “Ooh, let’s see if it happens again,” when I clicked the link to your post. It did. Ditto for the other criticism you linked. Maybe I’m just out of step with everyone else?