My true rejection of ellipses is that I associate overuse of ellipses with conspiracy theory-style writing (e.g. “you might think that Obama isn’t a lizard-person… but you’d be wrong!”). It reads to me like overconfidence in the shock value of your insights. You might decide not to care that I think this, but I don’t think I’m alone in having this association.
Here are more specific suggestions about how I would replace each of your uses of ellipses.
The reason I’m posting about this book here… is that it’s giving me some new perspectives from which to consider the whole cryonics subculture
Delete this ellipsis.
I still have two-thirds of “Debt” to go… but, at the moment
Delete this ellipsis or replace with a period and rewrite the beginning of the next sentence.
What’s even more interesting is that if this idea has any actual basis in reality… then it offers the possibility of coming up with approaches to counter it
Replace this ellipsis with a comma.
One possible alternative approach might be to take the thought experiment—what if we could revive someone from cryo not next century, or next decade… but tomorrow
Replace this ellipsis with a comma and italicize “tomorrow.”
My true rejection of ellipses is that I associate overuse of ellipses with conspiracy theory-style writing (e.g. “you might think that Obama isn’t a lizard-person… but you’d be wrong!”). It reads to me like overconfidence in the shock value of your insights. You might decide not to care that I think this, but I don’t think I’m alone in having this association.
Here are more specific suggestions about how I would replace each of your uses of ellipses.
Delete this ellipsis.
Delete this ellipsis or replace with a period and rewrite the beginning of the next sentence.
Replace this ellipsis with a comma.
Replace this ellipsis with a comma and italicize “tomorrow.”