The most frequent reason humans unfreeze something today is to eat it. If our descentants will resemble humans, this should be our standard expectation.
“Daddytron, I don’t want to eat the ancient humans, it just doesn’t feel right”
- “Don’t worry about it, Alice-ML. It’s what was their standard expectation, here, check that ancient electronic papyrus. In fact, the humans climbed into the freezer voluntarily, and they lived long lives before. These ones only fed themselves organic food, too!”
The most frequent reason humans unfreeze something today is to eat it. If our descentants will resemble humans, this should be our standard expectation.
“Daddytron, I don’t want to eat the ancient humans, it just doesn’t feel right”
- “Don’t worry about it, Alice-ML. It’s what was their standard expectation, here, check that ancient electronic papyrus. In fact, the humans climbed into the freezer voluntarily, and they lived long lives before. These ones only fed themselves organic food, too!”