I don’t expect high status people to acknowledge such correction unless they cannot get away with not doing so.
Saying out loud “I was wrong and you were right” is a most amusing piece of judo to use on Usenet. It tends to explode people’s heads.
That’s probably more because you hacked into their computers to access their speakers, than what specifically you said out loud.
The additional delightful irony of this is that doing so in most contexts is an enormous status-booster… third parties who observe the exchange tend to conclude all kinds of positive things about you.
Saying out loud “I was wrong and you were right” is a most amusing piece of judo to use on Usenet. It tends to explode people’s heads.
That’s probably more because you hacked into their computers to access their speakers, than what specifically you said out loud.
The additional delightful irony of this is that doing so in most contexts is an enormous status-booster… third parties who observe the exchange tend to conclude all kinds of positive things about you.