Maybe you should email Pugh with the feedback? (I audited his honors analysis course in fall 2017; he seemed nice.)
As far as the frontier of analysis textbooks goes, I really like how Schröder Mathematical Analysis manages to be both rigorous and friendly: the early chapters patiently explain standard proof techniques (like the add-and-subtract triangle inequality gambit) to the novice who hasn’t seen them before, but the punishing details of the subject are in no way simplified. (One wonders if the subtitle “A Concise Introduction” was intended ironically.)
Maybe you should email Pugh with the feedback? (I audited his honors analysis course in fall 2017; he seemed nice.)
As far as the frontier of analysis textbooks goes, I really like how Schröder Mathematical Analysis manages to be both rigorous and friendly: the early chapters patiently explain standard proof techniques (like the add-and-subtract triangle inequality gambit) to the novice who hasn’t seen them before, but the punishing details of the subject are in no way simplified. (One wonders if the subtitle “A Concise Introduction” was intended ironically.)