Ray Dalio. Businessman, founded Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world. He is one of the richest people in the world.
From descriptions of Bridgewater, he seems to run it very much in line with most LessWrong principles.
In fact, if you want an instrumentally-rational and (slightly) business-oriented version of LessWrong, Ray Dalio’s principles are it. You can read here, I highly recommend it: http://www.bwater.com/Uploads/FileManager/Principles/Bridgewater-Associates-Ray-Dalio-Principles.pdf .
He is also trying to spread his take on how the economy works, in his video The Economic Machine. See it here: www.economicprinciples.org.
All in all, a fascinating person.
Fixed link to Principles.
Thanks! Fixed in comment.
Ray Dalio. Businessman, founded Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world. He is one of the richest people in the world.
From descriptions of Bridgewater, he seems to run it very much in line with most LessWrong principles.
In fact, if you want an instrumentally-rational and (slightly) business-oriented version of LessWrong, Ray Dalio’s principles are it. You can read here, I highly recommend it: http://www.bwater.com/Uploads/FileManager/Principles/Bridgewater-Associates-Ray-Dalio-Principles.pdf .
He is also trying to spread his take on how the economy works, in his video The Economic Machine. See it here: www.economicprinciples.org.
All in all, a fascinating person.
Fixed link to Principles.
Thanks! Fixed in comment.