Well, religion is definitely a very strong memetic virus. And once infected, the susceptible individual finds all the supporting evidence needed. Rationality is not very different, except for the susceptible population. The symptoms differ in individual severity, too. There are self-contradictions in each, generally papered over by the quotes from one scripture or another. One hopes that since the Rationality movement explicitly contains the epistemic part, it has fewer of these than any memes based on “you just have to believe”.
Well, religion is definitely a very strong memetic virus. And once infected, the susceptible individual finds all the supporting evidence needed. Rationality is not very different, except for the susceptible population. The symptoms differ in individual severity, too. There are self-contradictions in each, generally papered over by the quotes from one scripture or another. One hopes that since the Rationality movement explicitly contains the epistemic part, it has fewer of these than any memes based on “you just have to believe”.