I thought very much about having a simple high-low tone accent system like Japanese or Ancient Greek. It would make SSM very, very easy and simple, given that I can just make word beginnings take the high tone and continuing syllables take the low tone (or the reverse). However, I’m unduly biased against tonemes, so I didn’t include them. Toaq is a loglang with a seven tone system, if you’re into tonemes.
Stress will not. I already have phonemic vowel length and consonant length. The only remaining differences possible are tone (which is pitch accent), and volume. I don’t want to have volemes (do those even exist?).
I thought very much about having a simple high-low tone accent system like Japanese or Ancient Greek. It would make SSM very, very easy and simple, given that I can just make word beginnings take the high tone and continuing syllables take the low tone (or the reverse). However, I’m unduly biased against tonemes, so I didn’t include them. Toaq is a loglang with a seven tone system, if you’re into tonemes.
Stress will not. I already have phonemic vowel length and consonant length. The only remaining differences possible are tone (which is pitch accent), and volume. I don’t want to have volemes (do those even exist?).