There’s no scarcity of air. If the AI can turn air into hamburgers, I don’t think the resources contained in my body would be the AI’s preferred source of energy given that they will be more costly to extract (I will fight to keep them) & contain less energy overall than many other potential sources. If the AI can turn air into hamburgers, it could just leave the earth & convert the core of a huge star into hamburgers instead.
Because “resources” means things like clothing, air, water, electricity, and the minerals contained in your body.
There’s no scarcity of air. If the AI can turn air into hamburgers, I don’t think the resources contained in my body would be the AI’s preferred source of energy given that they will be more costly to extract (I will fight to keep them) & contain less energy overall than many other potential sources. If the AI can turn air into hamburgers, it could just leave the earth & convert the core of a huge star into hamburgers instead.