That may be true. I read (I didn’t pay attention to the source, it could be just a rumor for all I know) that AK sent an email to a friend, shortly after coming to Italy, saying that she had convinced a stranger to have sex with her on a train. If true that would show a dangerous kind of behavior, even though not criminal. Assuming she might be guilty (for the sake of argument) the most likely explanation would be that they were “playing around” and things got out of hand, not that anyone ever was planning to murder someone.
In any case it seems my last point stands: the evidence as it has been presented to us may be unpersuasive but that doesn’t mean that the same kinds of evidence couldn’t become persuasive in principle, and this may be exactly what happened in the trial.
That may be true. I read (I didn’t pay attention to the source, it could be just a rumor for all I know) that AK sent an email to a friend, shortly after coming to Italy, saying that she had convinced a stranger to have sex with her on a train. If true that would show a dangerous kind of behavior, even though not criminal. Assuming she might be guilty (for the sake of argument) the most likely explanation would be that they were “playing around” and things got out of hand, not that anyone ever was planning to murder someone.
In any case it seems my last point stands: the evidence as it has been presented to us may be unpersuasive but that doesn’t mean that the same kinds of evidence couldn’t become persuasive in principle, and this may be exactly what happened in the trial.