Scientific evidence is Bayesian evidence, no? I was just implying that I didn’t think there was a special category of evidence gathering delimited as ‘science’.
Best I can tell, Science is just a particularly strong form (/subset) of Bayesian evidence. Since it attempts (when done well) to control for many potentially confounding factors and isolate true likelihoods, we can have more confidence in the strength of the evidence thus obtained than we could from general observations.
Yeah, though a lot of science is just building localized, domain specific ontologies (here’s what kinds of fish there are, here’s what kind of stars there are etc.) and I’m not sure this kind of scientific knowledge is much better than observations you or I make routinely. Also, some evidence gathering is every bit as powerful as science (or more so) and yet is rarely counted as a science ( advanced sports statistics or marketing studies for example).
Scientific evidence is Bayesian evidence, no? I was just implying that I didn’t think there was a special category of evidence gathering delimited as ‘science’.
Best I can tell, Science is just a particularly strong form (/subset) of Bayesian evidence. Since it attempts (when done well) to control for many potentially confounding factors and isolate true likelihoods, we can have more confidence in the strength of the evidence thus obtained than we could from general observations.
Yeah, though a lot of science is just building localized, domain specific ontologies (here’s what kinds of fish there are, here’s what kind of stars there are etc.) and I’m not sure this kind of scientific knowledge is much better than observations you or I make routinely. Also, some evidence gathering is every bit as powerful as science (or more so) and yet is rarely counted as a science ( advanced sports statistics or marketing studies for example).