Technically, burglary also includes breaking in + intent to commit a certain other crimes. For example,if you break into somebody’s residence in order to commit rape (with no intent to steal anything), that would be considered burglary under the traditional definition.
But anyway, putting aside semantic issues, it seems you basically concede the reasonable point that staging a crime scene was likely to have been done by somebody with a significant connection to the victim.
“Burglary entails breaking-in + theft.”
Technically, burglary also includes breaking in + intent to commit a certain other crimes. For example,if you break into somebody’s residence in order to commit rape (with no intent to steal anything), that would be considered burglary under the traditional definition.
But anyway, putting aside semantic issues, it seems you basically concede the reasonable point that staging a crime scene was likely to have been done by somebody with a significant connection to the victim.