You are one of the people spouting comments such as this one for a long time
Yes, my first encounter with you was when I bashed you for your unfair criticism of Rationalwiki and your unfair support of Eliezer Yudkowsky, yet somehow you failed to call me a brainwashed cultist of Rationalwiki, and you failed to launch a website devoted on how much your bashing of Rationalwiki is justified because they’re horrible cultist people out to brainwash you.
I reckon you might not see that such comments are a cause of what I wrote in the past.
Oh, I’ve actually wondered occassionally whether me bashing you for an Eliezer fanboy drove you to try to prove how much of an Eliezer fanboy you weren’t, and so decided to launch your rabid obsession against him. But even if that’s the case, I don’t confuse causality with moral blame; reasonable people wouldn’t attack third parties for any injustice I performed against them, they’d be angry against me alone—and you never mentioned me once in all your absurd unjust diatribes against Lesswrong and MIRI.
So I think that this is just justification after the fact to blame your attack on someone acting in defense. I’ve only started commenting against you (in support of LessWrong/MIRI, as opposed to in my defense of Rationalwiki) after dozens of mockeries and other attacks by you against the forum, so I don’t think you can believably claim me as a significant ‘cause’ in the manner you imply.
Yes, my first encounter with you was when I bashed you for your unfair criticism of Rationalwiki and your unfair support of Eliezer Yudkowsky, yet somehow you failed to call me a brainwashed cultist of Rationalwiki, and you failed to launch a website devoted on how much your bashing of Rationalwiki is justified because they’re horrible cultist people out to brainwash you.
Oh, I’ve actually wondered occassionally whether me bashing you for an Eliezer fanboy drove you to try to prove how much of an Eliezer fanboy you weren’t, and so decided to launch your rabid obsession against him. But even if that’s the case, I don’t confuse causality with moral blame; reasonable people wouldn’t attack third parties for any injustice I performed against them, they’d be angry against me alone—and you never mentioned me once in all your absurd unjust diatribes against Lesswrong and MIRI.
So I think that this is just justification after the fact to blame your attack on someone acting in defense. I’ve only started commenting against you (in support of LessWrong/MIRI, as opposed to in my defense of Rationalwiki) after dozens of mockeries and other attacks by you against the forum, so I don’t think you can believably claim me as a significant ‘cause’ in the manner you imply.