The line between politics and “social life” is a bit fuzzy. And there’s a lot of variance in culture and relationships, causing agents to need different models of “social life” for different situations.
Both of these make it difficult to generalize in useful ways—either you’re hiding the “real” topic you want to talk about, or you’re saying things without specificity, or you’re giving such contrived examples that there’s no way to tell if the discussion is real or evpsych just-so stories.
My direct answer: No, I don’t think this forum will benefit from more posts on social life. It _MAY_ benefit from some posts on specific aspects of social life for truth-seeking humans. I prefer to bias against the topic, and make exceptions when something is particularly clear or interesting.
The line between politics and “social life” is a bit fuzzy. And there’s a lot of variance in culture and relationships, causing agents to need different models of “social life” for different situations.
Both of these make it difficult to generalize in useful ways—either you’re hiding the “real” topic you want to talk about, or you’re saying things without specificity, or you’re giving such contrived examples that there’s no way to tell if the discussion is real or evpsych just-so stories.
My direct answer: No, I don’t think this forum will benefit from more posts on social life. It _MAY_ benefit from some posts on specific aspects of social life for truth-seeking humans. I prefer to bias against the topic, and make exceptions when something is particularly clear or interesting.