I would never trust a car-based AI to be friendly. Cars have been already killing humans by thousands, even before they gained consciousness. Compared with cars, Terminator seems like a mostly harmless guy. As we already know, you can’t make an AI friendly just by telling them: don’t be evil.
I’m disappointed to see such a carist view on LW, otherwise a bastion of tolerance. You would judge all future cars by the sins of their distant mindless ancestors, when the fault truly lies in the heartless devils driving them to every destination?
I would never trust a car-based AI to be friendly. Cars have been already killing humans by thousands, even before they gained consciousness. Compared with cars, Terminator seems like a mostly harmless guy. As we already know, you can’t make an AI friendly just by telling them: don’t be evil.
I’m disappointed to see such a carist view on LW, otherwise a bastion of tolerance. You would judge all future cars by the sins of their distant mindless ancestors, when the fault truly lies in the heartless devils driving them to every destination?