Whether that’s a problem depends on whether your goal is to be useful to your readers or to keep your readers on your page. It will be the latter if you run an ad-supported site and your only goal is to maximize your revenue. In other circumstances, it might be the former.
Indeed many successful blogs provide lots of useful or interesting links. But these links don’t take readers away but actually seem to draw them in! Sure they leave the page—but if it is good they come back to follow more of the interesting links!
Whether that’s a problem depends on whether your goal is to be useful to your readers or to keep your readers on your page. It will be the latter if you run an ad-supported site and your only goal is to maximize your revenue. In other circumstances, it might be the former.
Indeed many successful blogs provide lots of useful or interesting links. But these links don’t take readers away but actually seem to draw them in! Sure they leave the page—but if it is good they come back to follow more of the interesting links!
True. My assumption was that OP wanted readers to stay on his page, but goals vary for respective writers.