24% of traffic to the front page is new visitors; 76% is returning visitors.Overall site traffic is 51% new visitors.
Excluding post pages, landing page traffic looks like:
lesswrong.com Landing Pages 20120213-20120314 Landing Page Visits % New Visits / 60,038 23.77 /r/discussion/new/ 5,972 2.34 /promoted/ 1,992 9.69 /new/ 1,886 3.50 /r/discussion/ 1,605 5.17 /about/ 1,439 19.39 /new 1,038 12.24 /comments 995 3.92 /comments/ 761 0.92 /message/inbox/ 513 0.00 /r/discussion 492 5.49 /r/discussion/comments/ 472 1.69 /user/Eliezer_Yudkowsky 371 3.77 /user/Eliezer_Yudkowsky/ 280 2.50
So this counts traffic that visits a given page as its first only? Maybe you could explain what the technical definitions of “landing page”, “visit”, and “new visit” are in the context of this comment.
24% of traffic to the front page is new visitors; 76% is returning visitors.
Overall site traffic is 51% new visitors.
Excluding post pages, landing page traffic looks like:
So this counts traffic that visits a given page as its first only? Maybe you could explain what the technical definitions of “landing page”, “visit”, and “new visit” are in the context of this comment.