I’d prefer this didn’t happen. An anonymous visitor may just be a regular accessing the site from a different machine, or one who’s just purged his cookies. I don’t want to suddenly find myself looking at a completely different layout just because I happen to be logged out, or to have no idea what a non-member is talking about when they describe a front page I will hardly ever see. At present the only difference in appearance between logged in and not is a few details such as my name at the top right and the voting buttons. That’s how I’d prefer it remain.
I’d prefer this didn’t happen. An anonymous visitor may just be a regular accessing the site from a different machine, or one who’s just purged his cookies. I don’t want to suddenly find myself looking at a completely different layout just because I happen to be logged out, or to have no idea what a non-member is talking about when they describe a front page I will hardly ever see. At present the only difference in appearance between logged in and not is a few details such as my name at the top right and the voting buttons. That’s how I’d prefer it remain.