Something that’s come up for me since our last chat was (starting to) read Elinor Ostrom’s Governance of the Commons, which leans very heavily into “the actual games people are actually playing have very little in common with the simplified games people use as their core metaphors.” Writing a good book review of that is on my list of things to do.
(Elinor’s book is basically a very long, methodical rant at all the people either saying “Tragedy of the commons, therefore, Government Ownership Of Things” or “Tragedy of the commons, therefore, private property rights.”)
Something that’s come up for me since our last chat was (starting to) read Elinor Ostrom’s Governance of the Commons, which leans very heavily into “the actual games people are actually playing have very little in common with the simplified games people use as their core metaphors.” Writing a good book review of that is on my list of things to do.
(Elinor’s book is basically a very long, methodical rant at all the people either saying “Tragedy of the commons, therefore, Government Ownership Of Things” or “Tragedy of the commons, therefore, private property rights.”)