Format the article attractively. A well-chosen font makes for an easier read. Then publish (in a journal or elsewhere).
I’d add “Learn LaTeX” to this one; if you’re publishing in a journal, that matters more than your font preferences and formatting skills (which won’t be used in the published version), and if you’re publishing online, it can make your paper look like a journal article, which is probably good for status. Even TeX’s default Computer Modern font, which I wouldn’t call beautiful, has a certain air of authority to it — maybe due to some of its visual qualities, but possibly just by reputation.
I’m a bit confused. What I’m used to is, I make a TeX document (editable) then I typeset it into a PDF document. Anybody can read the PDF, but can’t edit it. If I want the receiver to be able to edit, I send both the TeX file and the PDF.
Did you mean that philosophy journals won’t accept the .tex file format, or that they’ll reject a .pdf written in LaTeX for stylistic reasons?
Adobe’s business model is to give away the reader for free and then sell the editor for a profit. So I would guess most publishers would have no problem.
I’d add “Learn LaTeX” to this one; if you’re publishing in a journal, that matters more than your font preferences and formatting skills (which won’t be used in the published version), and if you’re publishing online, it can make your paper look like a journal article, which is probably good for status. Even TeX’s default Computer Modern font, which I wouldn’t call beautiful, has a certain air of authority to it — maybe due to some of its visual qualities, but possibly just by reputation.
The ironic bit is that I don’t know a modern philosophy journal that accepts TeX.
EDIT: Minds and Machines, as mentioned below. Also, Mind doesn’t.
You just export to PDF. Lyx is a fairly easy-to-use LaTeX editor.
I personally recommend texmacs over latex, even if the latex is edited in Lyx or auxtex, although I use emacs for programming and wiki edition.
That doesn’t make sense to me. One can’t re-typeset PDF—well, perhaps you can, but I can’t imagine it would be easy.
I’m a bit confused. What I’m used to is, I make a TeX document (editable) then I typeset it into a PDF document. Anybody can read the PDF, but can’t edit it. If I want the receiver to be able to edit, I send both the TeX file and the PDF.
Did you mean that philosophy journals won’t accept the .tex file format, or that they’ll reject a .pdf written in LaTeX for stylistic reasons?
Adobe’s business model is to give away the reader for free and then sell the editor for a profit. So I would guess most publishers would have no problem.
Hey, I didn’t say it wasn’t a diseased discipline. :P
Last I checked, Minds and Machines requires LaTeX.
Ah, okay. I knew Mind didn’t, and now I realize I was generalizing from one example. Oops.