Use your rationality training, but avoid language that is unique to Less Wrong. Nearly all these terms and ideas have standard names outside of Less Wrong (though in many cases Less Wrong already uses the standard language).
Could you please write a translation key for these?
I think it would help LWers read mainstream philosophy, and people with philosophy backgrounds read LW.
I think that reading about how the terms differ would actually help a lot with getting a brief background in the subject, more than a direct but inaccurate one to one mapping.
Could you please write a translation key for these?
I think it would help LWers read mainstream philosophy, and people with philosophy backgrounds read LW.
Not a bad idea, though it’s far more complicated than termX = termY.
Fair enough.
I think that reading about how the terms differ would actually help a lot with getting a brief background in the subject, more than a direct but inaccurate one to one mapping.