It depends upon whether the maximizer considers its corner of the multiverse to be currently measurable by squiggle quality, or to be omitted from squiggle calculations at all. In principle these are far from the only options as utility functions can be arbitrarily complex, but exploring just two may be okay so long as we remember that we’re only talking about 2 out of infinity, not 2 out of 2.
An average multiversal squigglean that considers the current universe to be at zero or negative squiggle quality will make the low quality squiggles in order to reduce how much its corner of the multiverse is pulling down the average. An average multiversal squigglean that considers the current universe to be outside the domain of squiggle quality, and will remain so for the remainder of its existence may refrain from making squiggles. If there is some chance that it will become eligible for squiggle evaluation in the future though, it may be better to tile it with low-quality squiggles now in order to prevent a worse outcome of being tiled with worse-quality future squiggles.
In practice the options aren’t going to be just “make squiggles” or “not make squiggles” either. In the context of entities relevant to these sorts of discussion, other options may include “learn how to make better squiggles”.
It depends upon whether the maximizer considers its corner of the multiverse to be currently measurable by squiggle quality, or to be omitted from squiggle calculations at all. In principle these are far from the only options as utility functions can be arbitrarily complex, but exploring just two may be okay so long as we remember that we’re only talking about 2 out of infinity, not 2 out of 2.
An average multiversal squigglean that considers the current universe to be at zero or negative squiggle quality will make the low quality squiggles in order to reduce how much its corner of the multiverse is pulling down the average. An average multiversal squigglean that considers the current universe to be outside the domain of squiggle quality, and will remain so for the remainder of its existence may refrain from making squiggles. If there is some chance that it will become eligible for squiggle evaluation in the future though, it may be better to tile it with low-quality squiggles now in order to prevent a worse outcome of being tiled with worse-quality future squiggles.
In practice the options aren’t going to be just “make squiggles” or “not make squiggles” either. In the context of entities relevant to these sorts of discussion, other options may include “learn how to make better squiggles”.