Thanks to the OB/LW split, it’s pretty awkward to try to find all the posts in sequence. I thinkTotal Nano Domination is the first one*, and Total Tech Wars was Robin’s reply. They went back and forth after that for a few days (you can follow along in the archives), and then restored the congenial atmosphere by jointly advocating cryonics. In fall 2009 they got into it again in a comment thread on OB.
Don’t neglect the surrounding context. The underlying disagreements have been echoing about all over the place in the form of “Contrarians boo vs Correct Contrarians yay!” and “here is a stupid view that can be classed as an inside view therefore inside view sucks!” vs “high status makes you stupid” and “let’s play reference class tennis”.
Thanks to the OB/LW split, it’s pretty awkward to try to find all the posts in sequence. I think Total Nano Domination is the first one*, and Total Tech Wars was Robin’s reply. They went back and forth after that for a few days (you can follow along in the archives), and then restored the congenial atmosphere by jointly advocating cryonics. In fall 2009 they got into it again in a comment thread on OB.
* maybe it was prompted by Abstract/Distant Future Bias.
Don’t neglect the surrounding context. The underlying disagreements have been echoing about all over the place in the form of “Contrarians boo vs Correct Contrarians yay!” and “here is a stupid view that can be classed as an inside view therefore inside view sucks!” vs “high status makes you stupid” and “let’s play reference class tennis”.
Good point. Hard to track down the links though.