I don’t think that many people expect the elimination of resource constraints. Regarding the issue of FAI as Santa, wouldn’t the same statement apply to the industrial revolution?
Regarding reviving the cryonically suspended, yes, probably a confusion, but not clearly, and working within the best model we have, the answer is “plausibly” which is all that anyone claims.
Regarding the issue of FAI as Santa, wouldn’t the same statement apply to the industrial revolution?
The industrial revolution gives you stuff. Santa gives you what you want. When I read people’s dreams of a future in which an all-knowing benevolent Friendly AI provides them with everything they want forever, it weirds me out to think these are the same people who ridicule Christians. I’ve read interpretations of Friendly AI that suggest a Friendly AI is so smart, it can provide people with things that are logically inconsistent. But can a Friendly AI make a rock so big that it can’t move it?
I don’t think that many people expect the elimination of resource constraints.
Regarding the issue of FAI as Santa, wouldn’t the same statement apply to the industrial revolution? Regarding reviving the cryonically suspended, yes, probably a confusion, but not clearly, and working within the best model we have, the answer is “plausibly” which is all that anyone claims.
The industrial revolution gives you stuff. Santa gives you what you want. When I read people’s dreams of a future in which an all-knowing benevolent Friendly AI provides them with everything they want forever, it weirds me out to think these are the same people who ridicule Christians. I’ve read interpretations of Friendly AI that suggest a Friendly AI is so smart, it can provide people with things that are logically inconsistent. But can a Friendly AI make a rock so big that it can’t move it?
Citation needed.
The economy gives you what you want. Cultural snobbishness gives you what you should want. Next...