Here to say the same thing.
Say I want to discover better strategies in SC2 using AlphaStar, it’s extremely important that Alphastar be employing some arbitrarily low human achievable level of athleticism.
I was disappointed when the vs TLO videos came out that TLO thought he was playing against one agent AlphaStar. But in fact he played against five different agents which employed five different strategies, not a single agent which was adjusting and choosing among a broad range of strategies.
Here to say the same thing. Say I want to discover better strategies in SC2 using AlphaStar, it’s extremely important that Alphastar be employing some arbitrarily low human achievable level of athleticism.
I was disappointed when the vs TLO videos came out that TLO thought he was playing against one agent AlphaStar. But in fact he played against five different agents which employed five different strategies, not a single agent which was adjusting and choosing among a broad range of strategies.