Now I’m curious. I’d like to improve. What ‘flaws’ stand out?
It looks pretty good to me.
One minor thing: “A” is normally the indefinite article used before utilitarian, as in “A utilitarian should...” rather than “An utilitarian should....”
The “u” in utilitarian is pronounced like “you” not “oo.”
Yes. Such happens when you speak only 1/100th or what you read.
Now I’m curious. I’d like to improve. What ‘flaws’ stand out?
It looks pretty good to me.
One minor thing: “A” is normally the indefinite article used before utilitarian, as in “A utilitarian should...” rather than “An utilitarian should....”
The “u” in utilitarian is pronounced like “you” not “oo.”
Yes. Such happens when you speak only 1/100th or what you read.