I find your hypothesis implausible: The game was not about the ten dollars, it was about a question that was highly important to AGI research, including the Gatekeeper players. If that was not enough reason for them to sit through 2 hours of playing, they would probably have anticipated that and not played, instead of publicly boasting that there’s no way they would be convinced.
Maybe they changed their mind about that halfway through (and they were particularly resistant to the sunk cost effect). I agree that’s not very likely, though (probability < 10%).
(BTW, the emphasis looks random to me. I’m not a native speaker, but if I was saying that sentence aloud in that context, the words I’d stress definitely mostly wouldn’t be those ones.)
Thanks for the feedback on the bold formatting! It was supposed to highlight keywords, sort of a TL;DR. But as that is not clear, I shall state it explicitly.
I don’t get the hint. Would you care to give another hint, or disclose your hypothesis?
Gur erny-jbeyq fgnxrf jrera’g gung uvtu (gra qbyynef), naq gur fpurqhyrq qhengvba bs gur rkcrevzrag jnf dhvgr ybat (gjb ubhef), fb V jnf jbaqrevat vs znlor gur tngrxrrcre cynlre ng fbzr cbvag qrpvqrq gung gurl unq n orggre jnl gb fcraq gurve gvzr va erny yvsr naq pbaprqrq qrsrng.
[TL;DR keywords in bold]
I find your hypothesis implausible: The game was not about the ten dollars, it was about a question that was highly important to AGI research, including the Gatekeeper players. If that was not enough reason for them to sit through 2 hours of playing, they would probably have anticipated that and not played, instead of publicly boasting that there’s no way they would be convinced.
Maybe they changed their mind about that halfway through (and they were particularly resistant to the sunk cost effect). I agree that’s not very likely, though (probability < 10%).
(BTW, the emphasis looks random to me. I’m not a native speaker, but if I was saying that sentence aloud in that context, the words I’d stress definitely mostly wouldn’t be those ones.)
Thanks for the feedback on the bold formatting! It was supposed to highlight keywords, sort of a TL;DR. But as that is not clear, I shall state it explicitly.
Jung vf guvf tvoorevfu lbh’er jevgvat V pna’g ernq nal bs vg‽
@downvoters: no funny? :) Should I delete this?