Jey, I think the dichotomy between religious and other beliefs (in how much offence disagreement causes) isn’t so stark as it’s sometimes painted. Random example: US politics; how would a staunch Reaganite Republican react to the suggestion that Reagan’s policies were all deliberately designed simply to funnel money to his big-business pals? For that matter, how do biologists generally react when creationists accuse them (in effect) of a gigantic conspiracy to suppress the truth? I think there’s at least some offence taken in both cases, and those accusations (rather than mere disagreement) seem to me to be parallel to Eliezer’s story.
Caledonian, we should respect people who have daft beliefs for the same reason(s) as we respect other people for. Someone who views people as mere repositories of beliefs, and doles out respect solely on that basis, should not respect people whose beliefs are, on balance, daft. I don’t think that’s how most people operate. And having some daft beliefs isn’t the same as having daft-on-balance beliefs.
Eliezer, I think you improved the story when you softened the suggestion of extreme promiscuity on Mary’s part. The bit about crucifixion is (to my taste) an unsuccessful flourish, not least because (apologies for literal-mindedness here) the Romans would not have crucified someone for having his mother claim he was conceived by direct divine intervention. But having the friend be called Betty is a nice touch. (Wasn’t she supposed to be a relation, not just a friend?)
Jey, I think the dichotomy between religious and other beliefs (in how much offence disagreement causes) isn’t so stark as it’s sometimes painted. Random example: US politics; how would a staunch Reaganite Republican react to the suggestion that Reagan’s policies were all deliberately designed simply to funnel money to his big-business pals? For that matter, how do biologists generally react when creationists accuse them (in effect) of a gigantic conspiracy to suppress the truth? I think there’s at least some offence taken in both cases, and those accusations (rather than mere disagreement) seem to me to be parallel to Eliezer’s story.
Caledonian, we should respect people who have daft beliefs for the same reason(s) as we respect other people for. Someone who views people as mere repositories of beliefs, and doles out respect solely on that basis, should not respect people whose beliefs are, on balance, daft. I don’t think that’s how most people operate. And having some daft beliefs isn’t the same as having daft-on-balance beliefs.
Eliezer, I think you improved the story when you softened the suggestion of extreme promiscuity on Mary’s part. The bit about crucifixion is (to my taste) an unsuccessful flourish, not least because (apologies for literal-mindedness here) the Romans would not have crucified someone for having his mother claim he was conceived by direct divine intervention. But having the friend be called Betty is a nice touch. (Wasn’t she supposed to be a relation, not just a friend?)