Get over yourselves. It’s Christmas! If you’re offended by the post, you’re seeking to take offence.
I like the reference to ‘coming out as an atheist’. I had to wait to leave my little town for university before I threw off the Catholic mantle, but I know deep inside that the inherent sense of guilt they spend all their time fostering will be with me for a long time. Inherent Guilt Bias—deconstruct that one.
Get over yourselves. It’s Christmas! If you’re offended by the post, you’re seeking to take offence.
I like the reference to ‘coming out as an atheist’. I had to wait to leave my little town for university before I threw off the Catholic mantle, but I know deep inside that the inherent sense of guilt they spend all their time fostering will be with me for a long time. Inherent Guilt Bias—deconstruct that one.