Within an hour, I have thought of so many potential criticisms or reasons that my post might come across as lame that I am totally demoralized. I save my post as a draft, close the tab, and never return to it.
It doesn’t help that even the most offhand posting is generally treated as if it was an academic paper and reviewed skewered accordingly :-p.
Agreed. This is, for me, one of the main advantages of posting on tumblr. You still get the feedback you want from clever people and criticism, but that criticism doesn’t feel quite as bad as it would here, because everyone realizes that tumblr is a good space to test and try out ideas. Less Wrong feels, to me, more like a place where you share more solidified ideas (with the Open Thread as a possible exception).
It doesn’t help that even the most offhand posting is generally treated as if it was an academic paper and reviewed skewered accordingly :-p.
I agree. There are definitely times for unfiltered criticism, but most people require a feeling of security to be their most creative.
I believe this is referred to as “psychological safety” in the brainstorming literature, for whatever that’s worth.
Agreed. This is, for me, one of the main advantages of posting on tumblr. You still get the feedback you want from clever people and criticism, but that criticism doesn’t feel quite as bad as it would here, because everyone realizes that tumblr is a good space to test and try out ideas. Less Wrong feels, to me, more like a place where you share more solidified ideas (with the Open Thread as a possible exception).