No it does not—that is one of many common layman misunderstandings, which the article corrects. > The practical Landauer limit (for fast reliable erasures) is closer to 1eV.
So this is how the 1eV value is derived, right? Start with a bit that we want to erase. Set things up so there’s an energy gap of ΔE between the 0 state and the 1 state. Then couple to the environment, and wait for some length of time, so the probability that the bit has a value of 0 becomes:
This is the probability of successful erasure, and if we want to get a really high probability, we need to set ΔE=50kT or something like that.
But instead imagine that we’re trying to erase 100 bits all at once. Now we set things up so that the 2100−1 bit strings that aren’t all zeros have an energy of ΔE and the all-zeros bit string has an energy of 0. Now if we couple to the environment, we get the following probability of successful erasure of all the bits:
This is approximately equal to:
Now, to make the probability of successful erasure really high, we can pick:
The 100(kTlog2) is there to cancel the 100log2 in the exponent. This is just the familiar Landauer limit. And the 50kT is there to make sure that we get the same level of reliability as before. But now that 50kT is amortized over 100 bits, so the extra reliability cost per bit is much less. So if I’m not wrong, the theoretical limit per bit should still be kTlog2.
The article has links to the 3 good sources (Landauer, Zhirnov, Frank) for this derivation. I don’t have time to analyze your math in detail but I suspect you are starting with the wrong setup—you need a minimal energy well to represent a bit stably against noise at all, and you pay that price for each bit, otherwise it isn’t actually a bit.
My prior that you find an error in the physics lit here is extremely low—this is pretty well established at this point.
I’ve taken a look at Michael P. Frank’s paper and it doesn’t seem like I’ve found an error in the physics lit. Also, I still 100% endorse my comment above: The physics is correct.
So your priors check out, but how can both be true?
you need a minimal energy well to represent a bit stably against noise at all, and you pay that price for each bit, otherwise it isn’t actually a bit.
To use the terminology in Frank, this is Esig you’re talking about. My analysis above applies to Ediss. Now in section 2 of Frank’s paper, he says:
With this particular mechanism, we see that Ediss=Esig; later, we will see that
in other mechanisms, Ediss can be made much less than Esig.
The formula kTlogr shows up in section 2, before Frank moves on to talking about reversible computing. In section 3, he gives adiabatic switching as an example of a case where Ediss can be made much smaller than Esig. (Though other mechanisms are also possible.) About midway through section 4, Frank uses the standard kTlog2 value, since he’s no longer discussing the restricted case where Ediss=Esig.
So this is how the 1eV value is derived, right? Start with a bit that we want to erase. Set things up so there’s an energy gap of ΔE between the 0 state and the 1 state. Then couple to the environment, and wait for some length of time, so the probability that the bit has a value of 0 becomes:
This is the probability of successful erasure, and if we want to get a really high probability, we need to set ΔE=50kT or something like that.
But instead imagine that we’re trying to erase 100 bits all at once. Now we set things up so that the 2100−1 bit strings that aren’t all zeros have an energy of ΔE and the all-zeros bit string has an energy of 0. Now if we couple to the environment, we get the following probability of successful erasure of all the bits:
This is approximately equal to:
Now, to make the probability of successful erasure really high, we can pick:
The 100(kTlog2) is there to cancel the 100log2 in the exponent. This is just the familiar Landauer limit. And the 50kT is there to make sure that we get the same level of reliability as before. But now that 50kT is amortized over 100 bits, so the extra reliability cost per bit is much less. So if I’m not wrong, the theoretical limit per bit should still be kTlog2.
The article has links to the 3 good sources (Landauer, Zhirnov, Frank) for this derivation. I don’t have time to analyze your math in detail but I suspect you are starting with the wrong setup—you need a minimal energy well to represent a bit stably against noise at all, and you pay that price for each bit, otherwise it isn’t actually a bit.
My prior that you find an error in the physics lit here is extremely low—this is pretty well established at this point.
I’ve taken a look at Michael P. Frank’s paper and it doesn’t seem like I’ve found an error in the physics lit. Also, I still 100% endorse my comment above: The physics is correct.
So your priors check out, but how can both be true?
To use the terminology in Frank, this is Esig you’re talking about. My analysis above applies to Ediss. Now in section 2 of Frank’s paper, he says:
The formula kTlogr shows up in section 2, before Frank moves on to talking about reversible computing. In section 3, he gives adiabatic switching as an example of a case where Ediss can be made much smaller than Esig. (Though other mechanisms are also possible.) About midway through section 4, Frank uses the standard kTlog2 value, since he’s no longer discussing the restricted case where Ediss=Esig.
Adiabatic computing is a form of partial reversible computing.
If you can only erase bits 100 at a time, you don’t really have 100 bits, do you?
Now your thermal state just equalizes probabilities across those nonzero bit strings.