Interesting hierarchy, but it lacks one important point which is often fundamental in some debates, like the theism/atheism one, or even many political one : the difference between “belief” and “belief in belief”. For many theists nowadays, the core of their belief in God is not really due to deep reasons that God has to exist—they believe that Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark and most of the Bible are philosophical tales, not that they really happened, they believe in evolution, when they are sick they go see a doctor, not to Lourdes… but they still believe in God, because if they feel that if they don’t, life has no meaning, ethics will crumble, and the horror of death will become unbearable without the hope of afterlife.
When someone is thinking like that, no DH5, DH6 or DH7 level disagreeing on the existence of God will do much. But building a line of retreat could. While under your hierarchy, attacking those belief in belief, building a line of retreat, would be only a DH1, while it can (in some cases, obviously not in all of them) be the most efficient way to disagree : point to the core reason behind a disagreement.
Interesting hierarchy, but it lacks one important point which is often fundamental in some debates, like the theism/atheism one, or even many political one : the difference between “belief” and “belief in belief”. For many theists nowadays, the core of their belief in God is not really due to deep reasons that God has to exist—they believe that Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark and most of the Bible are philosophical tales, not that they really happened, they believe in evolution, when they are sick they go see a doctor, not to Lourdes… but they still believe in God, because if they feel that if they don’t, life has no meaning, ethics will crumble, and the horror of death will become unbearable without the hope of afterlife.
When someone is thinking like that, no DH5, DH6 or DH7 level disagreeing on the existence of God will do much. But building a line of retreat could. While under your hierarchy, attacking those belief in belief, building a line of retreat, would be only a DH1, while it can (in some cases, obviously not in all of them) be the most efficient way to disagree : point to the core reason behind a disagreement.
It’s much the same concept, but I will point out that I prefer to build people new temples instead of helping them construct lines of retreat.