It also rules out Cascadian cities like Portland and Seattle—only marginally better housing costs, worse fires, and worse social decay (eg violence in Portland).
I’m not sure this is so conclusive, regarding Seattle. A few notes --
The rent is 40% less than San Francisco, and 20% less than Berkeley. (And the difference seems likely to continue or increase, because Seattle is willing to build housing.)
There is no state income tax.
While the CHAZ happened in Seattle, my impression is that day-to-day it’s much more livable than SF. (I haven’t lived there in a few years, but from 2007-2014 I thought it was wonderful.)
If MIRI (or others) want to hire programmers, Seattle is probably the 2nd best market in the US for it. (Think of where the big tech cos all have their first secondary offices. It’s all Seattle or NYC.)
Agree with these points, though Seattle doesn’t seem very dynamic compared to the Bay, LA, NYC, or even Salt Lake. (It seems very normie, to use a pejorative.)
I’m not sure this is so conclusive, regarding Seattle. A few notes --
The rent is 40% less than San Francisco, and 20% less than Berkeley. (And the difference seems likely to continue or increase, because Seattle is willing to build housing.)
There is no state income tax.
While the CHAZ happened in Seattle, my impression is that day-to-day it’s much more livable than SF. (I haven’t lived there in a few years, but from 2007-2014 I thought it was wonderful.)
If MIRI (or others) want to hire programmers, Seattle is probably the 2nd best market in the US for it. (Think of where the big tech cos all have their first secondary offices. It’s all Seattle or NYC.)
Agree with these points, though Seattle doesn’t seem very dynamic compared to the Bay, LA, NYC, or even Salt Lake. (It seems very normie, to use a pejorative.)