I know, and come on, just how stupid are those kids if they believe that? I mean everyone knows that Ewoks live on the forest moon of Endor. And that’s in a galaxy far, far away. Not only that it was a long time ago. They didn’t occupy a stable evolutionary niche so the species as we know it wouldn’t even exist now. If the kids believe they see Ewoks that must mean that they haven’t been taught about evolution. What sort of parent would do that to their children?
I know, and come on, just how stupid are those kids if they believe that? I mean everyone knows that Ewoks live on the forest moon of Endor. And that’s in a galaxy far, far away. Not only that it was a long time ago. They didn’t occupy a stable evolutionary niche so the species as we know it wouldn’t even exist now. If the kids believe they see Ewoks that must mean that they haven’t been taught about evolution. What sort of parent would do that to their children?