If you are an autodidact who has to make do with studying textbooks on your own, a place to start with this would be Baronett’s Logic and Wright’s Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning.
If you want to have interesting ideas, the key thing is to inform yourself widely and deeply in the details of the subject matter you want to have interesting ideas about. Interesting ideas come naturally out of this work of studying the material. Conveniently, reading a lot for this sake often satisfies the above requirement to read a lot so that you’re a better writer, so that you can often get two birds with one stone here.
If you are an autodidact who has to make do with studying textbooks on your own, a place to start with this would be Baronett’s Logic and Wright’s Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning.
If you want to have interesting ideas, the key thing is to inform yourself widely and deeply in the details of the subject matter you want to have interesting ideas about. Interesting ideas come naturally out of this work of studying the material. Conveniently, reading a lot for this sake often satisfies the above requirement to read a lot so that you’re a better writer, so that you can often get two birds with one stone here.