I don’t have a complete picture of Joshua Achiam’s views, the new head of mission alignment, but what I have read is not very promising.
Here are some (2 year old) tweets from a twitter thread he wrote.
P(Misaligned AGI doom by 2032): <1e-6%
People scared of AI just have anxiety disorders.
This thread also has a bunch of takes against EA.
I sure hope he changed some of his views, given that the company he works at expects AGI by 2027
Edited based on comment.
Joshua Achiam is Head of Mission Alignment (“working across the company to ensure that we get all pieces (and culture) right to be in a place to succeed at the mission”), this is not technical AI alignment.
I don’t have a complete picture of Joshua Achiam’s views, the new head of mission alignment, but what I have read is not very promising.
Here are some (2 year old) tweets from a twitter thread he wrote.
P(Misaligned AGI doom by 2032): <1e-6%
People scared of AI just have anxiety disorders.
This thread also has a bunch of takes against EA.
I sure hope he changed some of his views, given that the company he works at expects AGI by 2027
Edited based on comment.
Joshua Achiam is Head of Mission Alignment (“working across the company to ensure that we get all pieces (and culture) right to be in a place to succeed at the mission”), this is not technical AI alignment.